Eve Online: Few Weeks In!

As of late there have been several days of considerable Eve playing. These nights have seen much diversification since my earlier posts of Eve Beginner Steps and Eve Mining for Beginners. This recent explosion of Eve playing has been caused primarily by a few more free evenings, a brand new GTX 960 graphics card… and mild game … Read more

Eve Online: New Graphics Card

I knew my graphics card wasn’t brilliant, it was a relic you’re more likely to find in a drifting hulk in Eve Online than available at any shop. It wasn’t until I benchmarked it and compared it to others that I found out how bad it was. One benchmarking site gave it a 3D benchmark … Read more

Eve Online: Beginners Steps

Never being one to invest time in something that might not catch on, I think it’s fair to say 13 years into Eve Online’s existence I can take my first crash course as a beginner with a fair amount of confidence. I’d like to say my first day will be in charge of a leviathan-esque … Read more