The 10 Best Creative Responses for when your Players Fail Investigation or Perception Checks

Role-playing games can be an exciting way to immerse yourself in a new world, but what do you do when your PC (player character) fails an investigation, perception, or sense motive check? Don’t worry, there are still plenty of ways to keep the game moving. Here are 10 creative thing I’ve come up with that … Read more

The FIVE Best Official D&D Adventure Modules for 5e


The aim of this post is to share my opinion on the best adventure modules you can buy for D&D 5th Edition, straight from the official canon of material. There are countless adventures contained in physical books and PDFs, written by stupendous authors, so I’ve had to limit the scope of these ‘top D&D adventure … Read more

The SIX best battle mats for D&D and Fantasy RPGs

The SIX best battle mats for DnD

While theatre of the mind is some peoples’ preferred method for gaming, I think it suits the Call of Cthulhu RPG much better than the Dungeons and Dragons game. For me, the D&D experience is totally taken to the next level with battle mats! Battle mats; grid maps full of miniatures, hand-drawn notations and delicate … Read more

2019 World Building Competition

At the start of the year I was pleasantly surprised that my fantasy RPG Twitter account, @PSJMaps had reached 500 followers. People were enjoying my hand-drawn fantasy maps and my general RPG ramblings I was posting. TL>DR: Jump down and read how to enter. The competition is now closed. Two fabulous winners will now be … Read more

The Best 18 Tavern Rumours for your Player Characters to overhear

D&D plot hook starting adventure in a tavern

Players who frequent Taverns and Inn are likely to find themselves shoulder-to-shoulder with many faces, races and cultures. If they’re stopping off in the bustling city of Neverwinter, or lodging in the quiet Stonehill Inn of Phandalin, there’s nearly always something for your player characters to overhear. With myself and my current players gaining confidence … Read more

Day 15: Challenge Room #inktober

For the 15th of October I tried something a little more adventurous and a whole lot more deadly. The lethal addition for this #inktober drawing was a lava jumping challenge. As if plunging to your molten death wasn’t challenging enough on its own, the little stone islands gets progressively smaller until there’s barely anything to … Read more

Day 14: Tavern #inktober

Heading west out of the large semi-natural Dwarven cavern, we make our way up a heavily used stone staircase. As we reach the last step we see why these steps were so heavily worn… a sprawling Tavern. Amongst the empty chairs, deserted tables and dusty bottles, a stone well drops vertically down to a slow … Read more