Ultimate Battlegroup Guide: Comprehensive Rules Compendium

Welcome to my rather comprehensive guide for the best tabletop wargame out there for 15-28mm, Battlegroup! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new player, finding the myriad of special and scenario rules scattered across numerous supplement books can be a pretty daunting or frustrating task. This article was written to be my go-to reference for finding the rules, compiling their location into one accessible place.

Why Collate the Special and Scenario Rules

Well, thanks to a wonderful medical condition, my cognitive and memory functions are a bit naff, some days more than others. For that reason I find having lists of rules or amendments really useful. Also the Battlegroup books don’t have glossaries (Why?!?!)

In the midst of a game I’ve often turned to posting rule clarifications to the Battlegroup Facebook Group, that never fails to return a useful answer very promptly.

Photo showing the special rules for Enemy Captures an Objective, and Tactical Co-Ordination.

Page Numbers but No Rule Description

I was going to make a summary of each special rule itself, noting down the mechanics and how it affects the game, without any historic flavour. But then it kinda just seemed like I was leaking all the rules – so no one would need to buy the books (there’s 99 other reasons why you still should), but eitherway I decided putting the content of the rule was a no-no, so I then thought I would put a rules prompt instead of a description.

Having helpful rules prompt after the name of each rule meant if you forgot what it was, a careful prompt might ease those brain cells back into action. That would work, and would minimise any negative impact for the wonderful authors and publishers.

Then after writing about 25 prompts, and no where near the end of the list, I decided it was such a mammoth task I would just note down the page number!

Man there are a lot of rules

The Importance of Knowing Your Special Rules

Understanding the various special rules is crucial for being good at Battlegroup, plus they’ve been carefully picked to enhance aspects of the game, or reflect certain quality or characteristics of a battle. These rules not only add depth and realism to your games but also offer diverse tactical opportunities.

By knowing these rules, you can enhance your gameplay, devise better effective strategies, and fully immerse yourself in the historical battles that Battlegroup seeks to recreate. That’s one of the ways Battlegroup is so much more nuanced than saying Bolt Action or Flames of War (IMHO).

How to Use My Guide

To help you quickly find the special rules you need, I’ve ltried to list them alongside their campaign or supplement book in which they appear, plus their page number. I just normally hit CTRL+F on the keyboard (Find on Page), then type the name of the special rule. The screen should auto scroll down to each matching entry.

Or just simply scroll through to discover new rules that you might not have encountered before. E.g. Do you know the Banzai Unpinning mechanic, where the Soviet PE-2 (Aircraft) special rules are, or the Rasputita listing?

Most recently I’ve turned to this guide for clarification over Schurzen Plates special rule, which I can never find when I need it.

The special rule I can never find in Battlegroup - Schurzen Plates
Do you know what page the Schurzen Plates Special Rule is on?

Special Rules Duplication

Why are some of the rules duplicated, could I not just have listed them from the core rulebook and left duplicates out? Well yes I could have, but with three objections:

  1. I didn’t know if the authors had tweaked them slightly for latter releases, or campaign specific details. I.e. Is ‘War Weary’ the same in the Rulebook, Fall of the Reich and Pacific War?
  2. If I was only going to include one source of a Battlegroup rule, I would have to check word for word, if each source was implementing the rule the same. That would have taken a lot more time.
  3. Lastly, I don’t know what books other people have. If I decide to list the Radio Communications Network rule as being only in the Overlord D-Day book, it doesn’t help you if you only have Tobruk

Scenario and Special Rules Compendium

Some people may find it more useful to use the Google Sheets version of my Battlegroup Rules Glossary.

1942 Desert TerrainTorch190
1943 Northern Tunisia TerrainTorch191
6-pdr APDS AmmoRulebook56
6-pdr APDS AmmoFall of the Reich32
Additional ArmourRulebook51
Additional ArmourFall of the Reich31
Aerosan VehiclesRulebook71
Aimed Fire w/ Armour Piercing ShellsRulebook36
Aimed Fire w/ High Explosive ShellsRulebook34
Aimed Fire w/ Small Arms & MG (Chapter)Rulebook26
Air Attack (Counter)Rulebook50
Air Attack (Scenario Stoumont Halt)Wacht Am Rhein67
Air SpotterTorch58
Air SpotterTobruk42
Air Spotter (3+)Rulebook51
Aircraft (Chapter)Rulebook58
Aircraft (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Aircraft Attack (Counter)Fall of the Reich37
Aircraft AvailabilityRulebook58
Aircraft MovementRulebook19
Alarm!Overlord D-Day107
Alarm! (Scenario Airborne Assault)Tobruk175
Alarm! (Scenario Amphibious Assault)Pacific War135
Alles fur Deutschland!Fall of the Reich37
Allied Air SuperiorityPacific War46
Alternative Forces (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Alternative Forces (Scenario Ambush on Johannahoeveweg)Market Garden*85
Alternative Forces (Scenario Attack across Dreijenseweg)Market Garden*89
Alternative Forces (Scenario Blocked at Wolfhezer Crossroads)Market Garden*82
Alternative Forces (Scenario Dragon’s Den)Market Garden*91
Alternative Forces (Scenario Holding Frost’s Bridge)Market Garden*95
Alternative Forces (Scenario Running the Gauntlet, Grabner’s Attack)Market Garden*87
Ambush Fire OrderRulebook16
Ammo Low (Counter)Fall of the Reich38
Ammunition Low (Counter)Rulebook50
Ammunition Supplies Low (Scenario Break Out)Rulebook82
Ammunition Supply Convoy (Scenario Sons of Son)Market Garden*73
Amphibious AssaultOverlord D-Day110
Amphibious Assault (Chapter)Pacific War50
Anti-Aircraft Fire (Chapter)Rulebook61
Anti-Tank GrenadesRulebook38
APDS AmmoFall of the Reich32
Armoured Vehicles and Gun Elevation (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad39
Artillery SpotterRulebook51
Artillery SpotterTorch58
Artillery SpotterTobruk42
Artillery Support Ammo Low (Counter)Fall of the Reich37
Assault TroopsOverlord D-Day30
Assault TroopsRulebook51
Assault TroopsPacific War46
Assault TroopsTorch58
Assault TroopsTobruk42
At Close Quarters (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad43
Autocannons (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook58
Automated 50mm MortarOverlord D-Day30
AuxiliaryPacific War46
Auxiliary (D-Day)Overlord D-Day30
Bangalore TorpedoesOverlord D-Day28
Bangalore TorpedoesPacific War52
Banzai!Pacific War46
Banzai! (Counter)Pacific War53
Barbed Wire FenceWacht Am Rhein55
Battlefield Engineering (Chapter)Rulebook62
Beach DemolitionsOverlord D-Day28
Beach DemolitionsPacific War52
Beach MinesOverlord D-Day28
Beach MinesPacific War51
Beach ObstaclesOverlord D-Day28
Beach ObstaclesPacific War51
Beachhead BreakoutOverlord D-Day107
Beachhead Breakout (Scenario Amphibious Assault)Pacific War135
Behind Enemy LinesRulebook51
Behind Enemy LinesFall of the Reich31
Beyond the Call of DutyRulebook47
Beyond the Call of Duty (Counter)Rulebook50
Bicycle MovementRulebook18
Bir / OasisTobruk118
Bled WhiteStalingrad155
Bocage FightingOverlord ‘Beyond the Beaches’*13
Bombe GroupeRulebook51
Bombs (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook59
Breakdown (Counter)Rulebook50
Breakdown (Counter)Fall of the Reich38
Breakthrough to Arnhem (Scenario Ambush on Johannahoeveweg)Market Garden*85
Bren TeamsOverlord D-Day29
Bren TeamsRulebook51
Bren TeamsTorch59
Bren TeamsTobruk43
Bridge Parapet (Scenario Running the Gauntlet, Grabner’s Attack)Market Garden*87
Building Occupation Restrictions (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad37
Buildings (Winter)Rulebook71
Bunkers and CasematesOverlord D-Day28
Bunkers and CasematesPacific War52
Cactus PatchTorch191
Causeway of FearOverlord D-Day113
Cavalry MovementRulebook18
Charge! (Banzai)Pacific War46
ChaungsPacific War124
Churchill MobilityTorch58
Clear Skies (Low Cloud Cover)Wacht Am Rhein28
Close Assault OrderRulebook15
Close Protection TeamPacific War47
Close-Assaulting Buildings (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad38
Cluster Bombs (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook59
CogongrasPacific War123
Collapse!Fall of the Reich34
Collapse! (Buildings)Rulebook67
Combined OperationsTobruk40
Combined Operations (with British Armoured Division)Market Garden*48
Combined Operations (with British or French)Torch56
Combined Operations (with Italians or Germans)Torch55
Combined Operations (with US)Torch55
Command and ControlWacht Am Rhein47
Command and Control (Banzai)Pacific War46
Command ChaosRulebook52
Commandant Kussin (Scenario Blocked at Wolfhezer Crossroads)Market Garden*81
Communication ChecksRulebook41
Communications BreakdownRulebook52
Communications BreakdownPacific War47
Communications BreakdownTorch57
Communications BreakdownTobruk43
Communications BreakdownMarket Garden*48
Composite Force (Scenario Last Defence of Tobruk)Tobruk140
Confusion (Counter)Rulebook50
Confusion (Counter)Fall of the Reich38
Confusion (Scenario Urban Assault)Rulebook82
Confusion (Scenario Urban Assault)Fall of the Reich119
Coral OutcropsPacific War124
Counter Battery Fire MissionRulebook45
Crawl Trenches (Scenario No Walk in the Park)Market Garden*75
Crop FieldTorch191
Crop FieldKursk102
Crossing the Wadi (Scenario Counter-Attack at Wadi Giaida)Tobruk137
Danger CloseOverlord D-Day116
Dangerous GroundRulebook19
Dawns First Light (Scenario Breaking the Red Line)Tobruk136
DD Drive (Duplex Drive)Overlord D-Day27
Deep SnowRulebook70
Deep Winter CombatRulebook70
Dense JunglePacific War122
Deployed Guns in Buildings (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad37
Desert Dust CloudsTobruk40
Desert Dust Clouds (1942 Only)Torch57
Desperate Attack (Scenario Last Defence of Tobruk)Tobruk140
Desperate Defence (Scenario Action at Jebel Sherif)Tobruk126
Desperate Defence (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad44
Difficult GroundRulebook19
Dig-In Men!’ (Scenario Attack across Dreijenseweg)Market Garden*89
Direct LayPacific War47
Disembark OrderRulebook15
DisembarkingOverlord D-Day27
DisguiseWacht Am Rhein27
Disheartened EnemyFall of the Reich31
Dispirited Enemy (American)Fall of the Reich102
Dispirited Enemy (Russian)Fall of the Reich89
Dive Bombers (Aircraft)Rulebook60
Doomed Heroics (Scenario Fall of Seelow)Fall of the Reich144
Drainage DitchStalingrad42
Drenching BarrageOverlord D-Day29
Drenching BarragePacific War47
Drop Canister Objectives (Scenario Airborne Assault)Tobruk175
Dud Panzerfausts (Counter)Fall of the Reich38
Duel in the FogWacht Am Rhein65
Duels in The MistWacht Am Rhein25
Dug in Deep (Scenario The Buff’s Last Stand)Tobruk121
Duplex DriveOverlord D-Day27
Duplex DriveRulebook52
Dust Clouds (1942 Only)Torch57
ElitePacific War47
Elite (Veteran units only)Rulebook53
Elite (Veteran units only)Torch59
Elite (Veteran units only)Tobruk43
Embark OrderRulebook15
Endkampf (Counter)Fall of the Reich37
Enemy Captures an Objective (BR System)Rulebook48
Enfilading FireOverlord D-Day110
Engineering OrderRulebook16
Entering BuildingsRulebook20
Escape the Bridge (Scenario Running the Gauntlet, Grabner’s Attack)Market Garden*87
Escape to Victory (Scenario Break Out)Rulebook82
Evening Gloom (Scenario Last Defence of Tobruk)Tobruk140
Excellent Cover (Scenario Ridgeline Assault)Torch192
Exiting BuildingsRulebook20
Extraordinary ValourWacht Am Rhein55
Extreme Cold and Mechanical ReliabilityRulebook71
FG 1250Rulebook68
FG 1250Fall of the Reich36
Fight Damn YouRulebook53
Fighter Support (Scenario Attack across Dreijenseweg)Market Garden*89
Fire and Manoeuvre OrderRulebook15
Fire SuperiorityWacht Am Rhein55
Fire SuperiorityRulebook53
Fire SuperiorityFall of the Reich31
Firing at Building Floors (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad37
Flanking ForceKursk128
Flooded GroundOverlord D-Day113
Fogged In (Low Cloud Cover)Wacht Am Rhein28
For the Motherland!Kursk125
Fortified Buildings (Scenario Last Defence of Tobruk)Tobruk140
Forward Air ControllersRulebook58
Frostbite and Demoralised MenRulebook71
Frozen Rivers, Streams and MarshesRulebook71
Gaz-98 (Aerosan Vehicle)Rulebook71
General WinterRulebook70
German JU-87D (Aircraft)Rulebook60
Germans Low on FuelWacht Am Rhein25
Get The Hell Outta DodgeWacht Am Rhein58
Glider Landings (Scenario Airborne Assault)Tobruk176
Glory of the EmperorPacific War48
Grapple Launchers and LaddersOverlord D-Day28
Grenade Booby TrapsWacht Am Rhein55
Gun Tows Out of Fuel (Scenario Codeword Oxford)Tobruk123
Harassment BarrageRulebook42
Hawkins Mines Daisy Chain (Scenario Running the Gauntlet, Grabner’s Attack)Market Garden*86
Heavy ScrubTorch191
Heavy Smoke ScreenWacht Am Rhein45
Heavy SnowWacht Am Rhein42
Hedge and Ditches (Scenario Sons of Son)Market Garden*72
HiddenPacific War48
Hidden Forward Aid Post (Scenario Counter-Attack at Wadi Giaida)Tobruk137
High Swell (Scenario Amphibious Assault)Pacific War135
High Swell (Tidal Conditions)Overlord D-Day106
Horse and Cart MovementRulebook18
Horse Towed Gun MovementRulebook18
HoruPacific War48
Hospital (Scenario Urban Assault)Rulebook82
Hospital (Scenario Urban Assault)Fall of the Reich119
HVSSFall of the Reich32
Impassable TerrainRulebook19
Indirect Artillery Fire (Chapter)Rulebook40
Indirect Fire and Building Stories (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad37
Infantry and Building Floors (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad37
Infantry Anti-Tank WeaponsRulebook67
Infantry Anti-Tank WeaponsFall of the Reich34
Infantry Assaulting BuildingRulebook66
Infantry Assaulting BuildingFall of the Reich34
Infantry Close Assault (Chapter)Rulebook30
Infantry Close Assault OrderRulebook15
Infantry Inside BuildingsRulebook66
Infantry Inside BuildingsFall of the Reich34
Infantry MovementRulebook18
Inferno (Scenario No Walk in the Park)Market Garden*75
InfiltrationWacht Am Rhein27
Into the Big BlueTobruk40
IR Night Fighting EquipmentFall of the Reich35
Irrigation DitchTorch192
Japanese Only Anti-Tank Booby Trap (Counter)Pacific War53
Japanese Only Artillery Ammo Low (Counter)Pacific War53
Jet FighterRulebook54
Jet FighterFall of the Reich32
JunglePacific War122
Jungle ScrubPacific War123
Jungle TrackPacific War124
Jungle TrailPacific War123
Lake / LagoonPacific War123
Land Mines (Scenario Waltzing Matildas)Tobruk178
Landing Craft – Movement & DisembarkingOverlord D-Day27
Landing Craft – Pinning & DamangeOverlord D-Day27
Large BuildingsStalingrad42
Large HillTobruk119
Large OutcropTobruk118
Last Man StandingRulebook46
Lead Scout (Scenario End of the Rat Race)Fall of the Reich118
Light SnowWacht Am Rhein55
Limber OrderRulebook15
Limited Mortar Ammo (Scenario Waltzing Matildas)Tobruk178
Loader TeamRulebook54
Loader TeamsTorch59
Loader TeamsTobruk43
Local GuidesMarket Garden*48
Loss of the Railway Bridge (Scenario No Walk in the Park)Market Garden*75
Low and SlowRulebook54
Low Cloud CoverWacht Am Rhein28
Low Cloud Cover (Scenario Roadblock at Antoniushof Farm)Wacht Am Rhein45
Low on FuelTorch58
Low on FuelTobruk41
Low on Fuel (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad44
Low Sun (Scenario Codeword Oxford)Tobruk123
Low Swell (Scenario Amphibious Assault)Pacific War135
Low Swell (Tidal Conditions)Overlord D-Day107
Luftwaffe Air SuperiorityRulebook54
Luftwaffe Air SuperiorityTobruk42
Luftwaffe Daylight Air Superiority (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad44
Lunge MinesPacific War48
Machine Guns (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook58
Manhandled Gun MovementRulebook18
Manoeuvre and Fire OrderRulebook15
Masters of North African ShoresTorch55
Medium BuildingsStalingrad41
Mill Pond (Scenario Amphibious Assault)Pacific War135
Mill Pond (Tidal Conditions)Overlord D-Day107
Mine ClearingRulebook62
Mine DogRulebook54
Mine Strike (Counter)Rulebook50
Mine Strike Counter (Scenario Stoumont Halt)Wacht Am Rhein67
Mined Sea ObstaclesOverlord D-Day28
Mined Sea ObstaclesPacific War51
Mist, Dust and SmokeWacht Am Rhein72
Mobile WarfareTobruk40
Mobile Warfare (1942 Only)Torch56
Molotov CocktailsStalingrad40
Morale (Chapter)Rulebook46
Mortar Deployment (Scenario Blocked at Wolfhezer Crossroads)Market Garden*81
Mortar SpotterRulebook54
Mortar SpotterTorch59
Mortar SpotterTobruk43
Mortar Support Limited (Scenario Dragon’s Den)Market Garden*91
Motorcycle TroopsRulebook54
Motorcycle TroopsTorch59
Motorcycle TroopsTobruk43
Mountain TroopsTorch60
Movement in Urban AreasRulebook67
Movement in Urban AreasFall of the Reich34
Muddy Ground (Scenario First Encounter at Mashiki)Pacific War130
Multiple Autocannon Mounts (AA Weaponry)Rulebook61
Multiple HitsRulebook54
Multiple HitsFall of the Reich32
Multiple MG Mounts (AA Weaponry)Rulebook61
Multiple Mortar SquadsPacific War48
Multiple Rocket LaunchersRulebook43
Multiple TurretsRulebook54
NachtjagerFall of the Reich36
Napalm CanistersPacific War48
Narrow Lane (Scenario First Encounter at Mashiki)Pacific War130
Narrow Towpath (Scenario Sons of Son)Market Garden*72
Native HutsPacific War123
New Infantry RestrictionsTobruk41
New Infantry Restrictions (Torch, 1942 only)Torch57
New Infantry Restrictions (Torch, 1943 only)Torch58
Night Assault (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad43
Night Assault (Scenario Urban Assault)Rulebook82
Night Assault (Scenario Urban Assault)Fall of the Reich119
Night Fight (Scenario St Edouard Sanatorium)Wacht Am Rhein69
Night FightingOverlord D-Day116
Night FightingRulebook68
Night FightingFall of the Reich35
NikakuPacific War48
NKL-16 (Aerosan Vehicle)Rulebook71
No Air Cover (Scenario La Gleize – The Battle of …)Wacht Am Rhein72
No Air Cover (Scenario St Edouard Sanatorium)Wacht Am Rhein69
No Air Support (Scenario Codeword Oxford)Tobruk123
No air Support (Scenario Crossing Stavelot Bridge)Wacht Am Rhein65
No Japanese Air Support (Scenario A Bitter Taste of…)Pacific War133
No PRTPs (Scenario Ridgeline Assault)Torch192
Not One Step BackRulebook54
NullahPacific War124
Off-table 20mm Cannon Fire (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Off-table 6-pdr Fire (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Off-Table 88 FireKursk121
Off-Table 88 Fire (Scenario Crossing The Hauptgraben)Fall of the Reich138
Off-table gun (Scenario Crossing Stavelot Bridge)Wacht Am Rhein61
Officier ordersRulebook12
Officier ordersRulebook55
Offshore MinesOverlord D-Day28
Offshore MinesPacific War51
On to Berlin (Scenario Fall of Seelow)Fall of the Reich144
One Man TurretRulebook55
One Man TurretTorch60
One-Man TurretOverlord D-Day30
One-Man TurretPacific War48
Open Fire! (Chapter)Rulebook22
Open Fire! OrderRulebook15
Orders and OfficierRulebook12
Orders, IssuingRulebook14
Orders, ReactionRulebook13
Other Bombs (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook59
Out of Fuel (Counter)Fall of the Reich38
Out-Scouted (BR System)Rulebook48
Overcast (Low Cloud Cover)Wacht Am Rhein28
Overrunning Deployed GunsRulebook20
Oxford Order (Scenario Codeword Oxford)Tobruk123
Paddy FieldsPacific War124
Panther Artillery (Scenario Sons of Son)Market Garden*73
Panzer AceRulebook55
Panzermarsch! (1942 only)Torch58
Panzermarsch! (1942 only)Tobruk42
Parachute Landings (Scenario Airborne Assault)Tobruk176
Pinned / Rout SurrenderRulebook46
PlantationPacific War124
Portee’d GunsTorch58
Portee’d GunsTobruk42
Pre-Registered TargetRulebook44
Preliminary Naval BombardmentOverlord D-Day110
Prokhorovka Mega-GameKursk112
PTAB (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook60
Pursuit (Scenario Delaying Action)Rulebook79
Pursuit (Scenario Delaying Action)Fall of the Reich115
Quagmire (Scenario Crossing The Hauptgraben)Fall of the Reich138
Quagmire (Scenario Forlorn Hope at Sachsendorf)Fall of the Reich136
Radio Communications NetworkOverlord D-Day30
Radio Communications NetworkRulebook55
Radio Communications NetworkPacific War48
Radio Communications NetworkTobruk44
Radio Link VehicleRulebook55
Radio Link VehicleFall of the Reich32
Raiding ForceTobruk42
Rail LinesStalingrad41
Railway Embankment (Scenario Ambush on Johannahoeveweg)Market Garden*85
Railway LineTorch192
Railway LineKursk103
Railway Line as Cover (Scenario Stoumont Halt)Wacht Am Rhein67
Rally (BR System)Rulebook48
Rasputita (Scenario The Hard Road)Rulebook83
Re-Arm OrderRulebook16
Reaction OrdersRulebook13
Recover OrderRulebook16
Red Shines the Sun (Scenario Airborne Assault)Tobruk175
RefugeesFall of the Reich35
Refugees (Scenario Urban Assault)Rulebook82
Refugees (Scenario Urban Assault)Fall of the Reich119
Reinforced FoxholesWacht Am Rhein55
Reinforcements Cancelled (Scenario Breaking the Red Line)Tobruk136
Reluctant Virgin (Scenario First Encounter at Mashiki)Pacific War130
Remnants (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad44
Remote Control Demolition VehiclesRulebook63
Repair OrderRulebook16
Request Artillery Fire OrderRulebook16
Reserve Move OrderRulebook16
Restricted 90mm AP Ammo (Scenario Stoumont Halt)Wacht Am Rhein67
Restricted-WestFall of the Reich32
Resupply Truck (Scenario Codeword Oxford)Tobruk123
Return to Base (Aircraft)Rulebook47
Reversing (Vehicles)Rulebook20
Roadblock (Scenario End of the Rat Race)Fall of the Reich118
Roads and TracksTobruk118
Rock OutcropTorch192
Rockets (Aircraft Weaponry)Rulebook59
Rocky Climb (Scenario Ridgeline Assault)Torch192
Rocky GroundTobruk118
Rounds on the Way!Rulebook55
Rounds on the Way!Pacific War48
Rounds on the Way!Tobruk42
Roving Recce (Scenario Dragon’s Den)Market Garden*91
Rubble PilesStalingrad41
Rubble-choked Streets (Scenario Holding Frost’s Bridge)Market Garden*95
Ruined FortressTobruk119
Running on VapoursWacht Am Rhein72
Russian Bed-Spring ArmourRulebook56
Russian Bed-Spring ArmourFall of the Reich32
Schurzen PlatesRulebook37
Scratch Crew (Scenario Waltzing Matildas)Tobruk178
Seaborne ArtilleryOverlord D-Day27
Seaborne ArtilleryPacific War50
Senior OfficerRulebook56
Senior OfficerTorch60
Senior OfficerTobruk44
Senior Officer Destroyed (BR System)Rulebook48
Set-Piece Attack (Scenario Ridgeline Assault)Torch192
Setting Buildings on FireStalingrad41
Sherman Wrecks (Scenario No Walk in the Park)Market Garden*75
ShotgunsPacific War49
Signals IntelligenceTobruk105
Ski TroopsRulebook56
Skirmish Action (Scenario Ambush on Johannahoeveweg)Market Garden*85
Sloping Parkland (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Small Arms Inside Buildings (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad39
Small HillTobruk119
Small OutcropTobruk118
Sniper ScoutRulebook56
Sniper ScoutTorch61
Sniper ScoutTobruk44
SnowfallWacht Am Rhein47
Soft SandOverlord D-Day28
Soft SandPacific War52
Soft SandTobruk118
Soviet PE-2 (Aircraft)Rulebook60
SperberFall of the Reich35
Spooked (Wild Rumours)Wacht Am Rhein25
Spotting Over the Ridgeline (Scenario Ridgeline Assault)Torch192
Stadtkampe (Chapter)Stalingrad36
Stal! Stal! Stal!Rulebook56
Starting FiresStalingrad41
Storage TankStalingrad42
Stream / Irrigation DitchTorch192
Street Fighting (Chapter)Rulebook66
Street Fighting (Chapter)Fall of the Reich33
Street Fighting (Scenario Urban Assault)Fall of the Reich119
Street Fighting Days (Scenario Stadtkampf)Stalingrad43
Stuka Symphony (Scenario Breaking the Blue Line)Tobruk138
Suicidal Bravery (Banzai)Pacific War46
Supply Dumps (Scenario Gun Lines at Fort Airente)Tobruk139
Suppressing / Area Fire (Chapter)Rulebook24
Swamp / MorassPacific War123
Swimming InfantryOverlord D-Day28
Swimming InfantryPacific War50
T-34 MobilityRulebook57
Tactical Co-Ordination (BR System)Rulebook48
Tactical Co-Ordination OrderRulebook16
Tank OnslaughtKursk112
Tank RidersRulebook20
Targeting BuildingsRulebook67
Targeting BuildingsFall of the Reich34
Targeting Infantry Inside BuildingsRulebook66
Targeting Infantry Inside BuildingsFall of the Reich34
Tatakai!Pacific War71
Terrain EffectsRulebook19
The Belvedere (Scenario No Walk in the Park)Market Garden*75
The Fog of War (Scenario Crossing Stavelot Bridge)Wacht Am Rhein65
The Point (Scenario Holding the Point)Pacific War128
Tidal ConditionsOverlord D-Day106
Tidal Conditions (Scenario Amphibious Assault)Pacific War135
Time is Pressing (Scenario Ambush at Ligneuville)Wacht Am Rhein58
Time is Pressing (Scenario Crossing Stavelot Bridge)Wacht Am Rhein61
Time is Pressing (Scenario Roadblock)Wacht Am Rhein43
Time on Target BarragesOverlord D-Day29
Time on Target BarragesRulebook57
Timed AirstrikeRulebook45
Timed BarragesRulebook44
To the Last Bullet (Scenario Das Hexenkessel)Rulebook81
To the Last Bullet (Scenario Das Hexenkessel)Fall of the Reich117
To the Last ManPacific War49
Tobruk Tanks Regrouping (Scenario Breaking the Blue Line)Tobruk138
TombsPacific War124
Top Speed OrderRulebook15
Top-Down Attacks (Stadtkampf)Stalingrad39
TOT (Time on Target Barrages)Overlord D-Day29
TOT (Time on Target Barrages)Rulebook57
Transport WithdrawRulebook20
Tree Bursting Shells (Scenario Attack across Dreijenseweg)Market Garden*89
Truck Wrecks (Scenario Running the Gauntlet, Grabner’s Attack)Market Garden*86
True GritTobruk54
True Grit (Scenario Holding Frost’s Bridge)Market Garden*95
True Grit (Scenario The Buff’s Last Stand)Tobruk121
Tunisian Special RulesTorch191
Tunisian TerrainTorch190
UhuFall of the Reich36
UnarmedPacific War49
Under Air Attack (BR System)Rulebook48
Under Flamethrower Attack (BR System)Rulebook48
Under Heavy Fire (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Understrength (Scenario A Bitter Taste of…)Pacific War133
Unlimber OrderRulebook15
Unmarked MinefieldOverlord D-Day113
Unpinning (Banzai)Pacific War46
Ura! Ura!Rulebook57
Urban Combat (Street Fighting)Rulebook66
US Air Support (Scenario First Encounter at Mashiki)Pacific War130
US Communication Breakdown (Scenario A Bitter Taste of…)Pacific War133
USS CarmickOverlord D-Day110
VampirFall of the Reich36
Vehicle MovementRulebook18
Vehicle PassengersRulebook20
Vehicle RecoveryRulebook63
Vehicle RepairRulebook57
Vehicle RepairTorch61
Vehicle RepairTobruk44
Vehicle RepairsRulebook63
Vehicle ReversingRulebook20
Vehicle Wear and TearTorch57
Vehicle Wear and TearTobruk40
Victory Gains (Scenario Along Utrechtsweg, ‘the Monastery’)Market Garden*93
Victory Gains (Scenario Ambush on Johannahoeveweg)Market Garden*85
Victory Gains (Scenario Attack across Dreijenseweg)Market Garden*89
Victory Gains (Scenario Blocked at Wolfhezer Crossroads)Market Garden*82
Victory Gains (Scenario Dragon’s Den)Market Garden*91
Victory Gains (Scenario Holding Frost’s Bridge)Market Garden*95
Victory Gains (Scenario Running the Gauntlet, Grabner’s Attack)Market Garden*87
Voluntarily Leaving the TableRulebook49
War WearyRulebook57
War WearyFall of the Reich32
War WearyPacific War49
Wear and TearTorch57
Wild RumoursWacht Am Rhein25
Wir sind Rommels SoldatenTobruk105
Wire CommunicationsRulebook57
Wire CommunicationsTorch61
Wire CommunicationsTobruk44

Well done for getting down the page this far. That’s almost 650 rules listed above.

Photo showing sample heavy swell and enfilading fire special rules, from the Overlord Rule Book

Is This all The Special Rules?

No, sadly this isn’t all the rules yet. Currently I’m a few books short, but if the funds become available, I’ll be sure to get them and update the rules page number table above. If you think this guide is a good resource, bookmark it, share it, and if you can, please drop a few quid over to me via Kofi (link, somewhere on the page).

Specifically I know I’m missing the new Bagration Book, Market Garden, Spring Awakening, West Wall and Beyond the Beaches.

* A big thank you to Paul Melis for his contribution to this growing list. What a star!

What about House Rules

So my blog post about custom house rules seems to get a lot of traffic and a fair few positive comments or nudges. If you want to read about my Battlegroup House Rules, you can checkout the link. It includes:

  • Custom Minefields
  • Mortar Smoke Screens
  • Tall Buildings mechanics
  • Hidden Units
  • … and much more

Special Rules Compendium Conclusion

By compiling all the special and scenario rules from the Battlegroup supplements I own, into one place, I hope it makes your gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re stuck on games night, preparing for an upcoming battle or just curious about the wealth of rules available, this guide hopefully helps you out.

Remember, the key to any of us mastering Battlegroup and getting 100% out of it, lies in understanding the majority of these rules (and how they can be leveraged to our advantage!) Keep this guide handy as a quick reference during your games, and may your battles be both strategic and historically rich.

Happy wargaming!