Routing around on the internet is like looking through some sort of magical treasure chest.
Obviously there’s a lot of mediocre stuff out there, why wouldn’t there be when it’s free to show-and-tell to the world, but once in a while you stumble across something rather wonderful. Something that makes you want to improve at something. Something that sets goals or pushes you to strive for greater things.
Today was one of those times.
Rather more by chance than by purpose, I stumbled across the photographic works of Андрей Осокин, which translates (I think) to Andrew Osokin. Whether he’s a professional or purely hobbyist photographer, he seem’s to be rather passionate and talented for taking some beautiful macro photographs. Either way he’s captured some wonderful Winter shots that I’ve shared below.
Pretty amazing aren’t they.
No idea what type of camera set up he’s using, but whatever it is I hope he continues to take shots like these. The patience that must go into taking some of them are incredible.
To be further inspired by more wonderful nature shots, head over to Mr Osokin’s macro photography gallery.
I think photo’s like these are important for other camera lovers to look at. Too often we focus on huge panoramic views of mountain ranges, or skyscrapers reaching the clouds. While these are beautiful, so too is the tiniest of things that we pass every day.
Even though I don’t currently have the skill or camera set up to come close to these photographs, I know I’ve gained something from browsing Osokin’s artwork.
Hope you have too.